Posted in motivational

Characteristics of a Good Work Environment

Work Environment; Someone’s environment is all the circumstances, people, things, and events around them that influence their life. 

– Collins dictionary

A good work environment is essential for employees’ productivity and well-being. Every employee needs a good working environment to motivate them and gives out the best in them.

A healthy work environment has many components, a primary factor is relationship with co-workers. A positive culture, non-toxic and amiable co-workers is the main ingredient in a healthy workplace.

Another key characteristic of a healthy work environment is the way they appreciate their loyal employees. To be recognized and noticed is part of our Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs.

Next feature is open and transparent communication between the employer and employees. A transparent and open form of communication addresses the employee’s need to feel that what they have to say has value and is being listened. It is what makes employees feel that they are part of the organization and they are being valued there. Wouldn’t you agree that this characteristic is highlighted in small businesses? Mainly because their size is synonymous to unity and closeness among the co-workers and with the employer. Employees could directly talk to their boss for urgent problems without the need for formalities or go through complex processes unlike in big corporations.

The environment that employees work in can impact their feelings of well-being, workplace relationships, collaboration, and productivity. It can greatly influence how you feel about your job so it is important to find an employer that fosters a positive environment.

Team spirit. We are social beings, we have the need to belong to a group and get support from them. Day to day struggles will become less daunting, because they work together and support each other, workload becomes lighter and thus more positive.

Trust. It is very important to build trust for a proper and smooth working of an organization. The employer should have trust on his employees and vice-versa. Trust is the basic foundation of all relationships.  Trust is all about doing what you say you are going to do and being who you say you are.

A healthy environment promotes communication, helping, healing and education between employees. They grow and improve together and value friendship and loyalty.

Photo by fauxels on